Our Founder
Daniel ben Yeshua™:
A Beacon of Enlightened Thought and Uneclipsable™ Empowerment
Who is Daniel ben Yeshua?
The Founder of Uneclipsable™, in the heart of Atlanta, GA, there emerges a distinctive voice, echoing far beyond the city’s borders and reverberating through the corridors of global consciousness. That voice belongs to Daniel ben Yeshua™, a multifaceted individual whose dynamically contextured life journey has positioned him as a pivotal thought leader of the 21st century. With a plethora of enlightening life experiences under his belt, Daniel stands as a beacon of transformative thought, not just in Atlanta, but universally across the world.
Uneclipsable™: The Catalyst of Holistic Empowerment
As the founder of Uneclipsable™, Daniel provides a platform aiming to rejuvenate the human spirit and recalibrate life’s compass. With a holistic perspective, this initiative addresses the quintessential aspects of existence—mental, spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional.
Through Uneclipsable™, Daniel offers:
- Personal Development Workshops: Harnessing inner potentials and self-realization.
- Mindfulness Retreats: For spiritual rejuvenation and mental clarity.
- Financial Literacy Programs: Empowering individuals to navigate the monetary aspects of life.
- Physical Fitness Bootcamps: Promoting a healthy body as the vessel of a healthy mind and spirit.
- Emotional Resilience Seminars: Equipping individuals with tools to navigate life’s adversities.

The Renaissance Man of Our Era
Daniel ben Yeshua™ is not merely a thought leader; he is a symphony of diverse talents and interests. As a internet, computer, and VR technologist, writer, public speaker, philosopher, religionist, entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, musician, philanthropist, internationalist, and Panhumanist, he embodies the 21st century Renaissance ideal.
His worldview is one of unique depth and breadth, viewing existence through a prism few possess yet striving to share its spectrum of colors with the world.
Daniel’s vision is underpinned by his deep belief in transhumanism. He perceives humanity’s trajectory as one of continuous evolution towards a heightened state of superconsciousness—a state where individual self-realization harmoniously merges with collective consciousness. In this envisioned world, humanity transcends its primitive instincts, recognizing and embracing all beings as extensions of and integral to oneself. This, Daniel ben Yeshua teaches, is when all things and all people will coexist in a state of unified Oneness and peace.
Such a perspective is not just philosophical for Daniel but is a clarion call for action. For him, the challenges and turbulence that have marred human history can be transcended, propelling us into a future where collective potential is realized, and unity prevails.
A Visionary with a Global Mission
In the grand tapestry of life, where countless individuals leave their indelible marks, Daniel ben Yeshua™ stands out, not just as a thread but as a master weaver. He possesses a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and, through Uneclipsable™, seeks to elevate humanity, one person at a time. His interdimensional vision, transcending geographical borders and cultural divides, and even our common assumptions about reality itself, reminds us that in embracing unity, we can indeed redefine the trajectory of our shared human story and destiny.
Daniel ben Yeshua™ and Panhumanism: Unity Beyond Constructs
The Notion of “Race” Is a Foolhardy Concept
There is no biological basis to “race”: A deep dive into the notion of “race” reveals its utter fragility and falsehood as a concept. Daniel ben Yeshua, with his acute insights, emphasizes that “race” lacks a genuine biological foundation. Instead, it has been wielded historically as a social tool, primarily for sinister objectives—justifying heinous acts against particular groups, perpetuating disparities, and enabling one group’s exploitation by another.
Believing in “Race” is Inherently “Racist”: Daniel ben Yeshua teaches that even merely accepting the concept of “race” as being a valid means of analyzing, categorizing, or understanding human beings is an inherently “racist” and intellectual vapid practice. By extension, Daniel defines a “racist” as simply being “anyone who believes in or subscribes to the theory, notion, or concept of race as being valid and uses it a modicum for understanding, categorizing or accessing other human beings”. Daniel teaches that to refer to oneself or to other human beings as belonging to a certain “color group” (ie…black, white, brown, yellow, red etc…) is a fundamentally barbaric practice that must be abandoned by humanity.
He astutely argues, “If there were nothing wrong with using color as an identifier of people groups, why do we refer to black and white people, but we do not refer to “yellow”, and such would be immediately, and rightly, deemed highly-offensive to those of Asian descent?”
The Usage of Color Identifiers Must End: Hence, Daniel ben Yeshua argues that we only refer to so-called black and white people for the sake of historic convenience in American society, but this is not an innocuous or benign shorthand semantic matter because it continues the brutal and savage history and practice of reducing the whole human being to a being merely a color.
Ben Yeshua avers that referring to one’s ethnicity is not the same as referring to one’s color because one can refer to a German, Russian, or Polish individual without merely reducing them to the monolithic category of “white” and, in kind, one can refer to a Nigerian, Kenyan, or Ghanian without simply lumping them all together into an indistinguishable group called “black”. Thus, by using color identifiers, it necessarily follows that we are marginalizing the unique qualities and characteristics of entire people groups in a manner that is inapposite to good-faith dealings with others, rational analysis, or even the scientific method. Hence, Daniel ben Yeshua is fiercely impassioned about launching an all out revolt against what he believe to be the single greatest threat to the future of humankind itself, the mere concept of “race.”
The Concept of Race is Vacuous: While he acknowledges that one subscribing to the theory of race does not automatically lead to the conclusion that they practice unfair discrimination, his point is more fundamental: the mere belief in so-called “race” is a such fundamentally inaccurate and intellectually feeble way of view oneself and other, it can only be described as utterly vacuous and destructive to the human person in every imaginable manner. He teaches that such a belief in “race” should be completely eradicated from human society and replaced with his signature concept of Panhuman Oneness™.
Race is Not a Matter of Genotype: His assertion that “race” is not a matter of genotype but rather a matter of phenotype and environmental adaptations unveils the distinction between intrinsic genetic make-up and observable physical characteristics. The former, the genotype, is the genetic constitution of an individual, while the latter, the phenotype, pertains to observable traits, shaped over time by environmental factors.
The Concept of “Race” is a Shared Delusion: In essence, the slight variations in human appearance across different regions are mere adaptive responses to varied environments, rather than markers of distinct “races”. Daniel ben Yeshua’s message is that the entire world has been hoodwinked by the concept of race which must be utterly rejected and replaced with Panhuman Oneness™.
Reaching For Human Dignity: Daniel’s clarion call is for a world where the sanctity of human dignity overrides any perceived differences. He visualizes a global society where mutual respect permeates, irrespective of cultural nuances or lifestyles.
Economics & Global Unity
Furthermore, his expertise as an Ivy League educated economics major and entrepreneur bolsters his vision of global unity. Based upon econometric data and evidence, Ben Yeshua firmly believes in the overabundance of the world’s economic resources, stating that “Scarcity is an illusion and the byproduct of human mundanity”. He unwaveringly maintains that there is far more than enough productive economic inputs to ensure every individual on earth a dignified existence.
There is an Overabundance of Resources on Earth: He advocates that it is entirely feasible for every single human being on earth to have access to basic necessities, such as food, clothing, and shelter and that this would not come at the expense of affording others the opportunity to become uberwealthy. Daniel supports the notion that hard work and entrepreneurial innovation should be greatly rewarded with wealth creation and he maintains that quantitatively it can be proven that the belief that affording all of the world’s people a basic standard of dignity does not stand in contradiction to the ideals of fair-and-balanced capitalism and business entrepreneurship. This perspective not only underscores the need for equitable resource distribution but also challenges the systemic economic barriers that perpetuate disparities.
Revere Every Individual: In championing Panhumanism, Daniel ben Yeshua™ beckons humanity to rise above superficial divisions, embrace our shared lineage, and collectively march towards a world where every individual is revered and provided with an opportunity to cultivate the resources that are within their native environments.

Daniel ben Yeshua™: Compassionate Capitalism and Philanthropy
Ending Artificial Suffering: In an era marked by global challenges, there emerges a man with a perspective shaped not by ideology but by a deep-seated commitment to humanity. Daniel ben Yeshua stands as a testament to the idea that man-made constructs, such as poverty, homelessness, and limited access to healthcare, are not inevitable outcomes of our societal structures but deliberate systems that seek to oppress. He firmly asserts that the vast majority of human suffering is artificially created and not a matter of economic necessity.
Cooperative Capitalism™: An Ivy League-trained macroeconomic strategist and entrepreneur, Daniel offers an unconventional vision. While he is staunchly opposed to socialism, he strongly believes in a model of what he has coined ‘Cooperative Capitalism™‘ which is based upon the ideals of compassionate capitalism Ben Yeshusa’s stance is clear: the solution to society’s ills is not in mere handouts and wealth redistributions, but rather dynamic wealth creation through empowering those on the lower rungs of the socioeconomic strata and affording them actionable ways with measurable incentives to improve their lives through education, entrepreneurship, and building a stronger family structure and more integrated Panhuman-based communities.
Public-Private Partnerships
Finding a Middle Ground: Instead, Daniel ben Yeshua zealously advocates for public-private partnerships that rigorously study historical disenfranchisement and subsequently craft sustainable initiatives to assist the descendants of groups that have been systemically shortchanged by government policy itself over hundreds of years. These initiatives, aimed at offering reskilling opportunities, enable individuals to adapt and thrive in the constantly evolving landscape of the 21st century. Daniel completely opposes any form of radicalism whatsoever on either side of a contentious issue and strong advocates for rational compromise.
Attaining Superconsciousness: But perhaps the most self-defining facet of Daniel ben Yeshua is his philanthropy. A life dedicated to being ‘light and salt’ in a world riddled with despair showcases his commitment to a higher purpose. Guided by a magnetic spiritual compass, Daniel believes in seeking God with sincerity, resulting in finding divine guidance and supernal wisdom that transcends human capacities. To him, the essence of life revolves around love—loving one’s neighbor as oneself.

A Man of Destiny
A Man of the Presence: When in the presence of Daniel, one cannot help but feel the sheer force of his divine anointment. Despite the plethora of talents gifted to him by Providence, he stands as a humble servant, ready to uplift those struggling to find their way.
Living with Gratitude: His brainchild, Uneclipsable™, is more than just a mere platform. It’s a movement reminding every individual of their inherent worth, emphasizing that perfection lies within our imperfections. He believes that dreams are within reach for those who cultivate gratitude and cherish every moment.
Celebrate the Joy of Others: One of the profound original teachings of Daniel ben Yeshua is a simple yet transformative idea: “Rejoice in others’ successes as if they were your own and you’ll always be happy.” This ethos not only fosters collective growth but also sows the seeds of true happiness.
We Are All One: Welcome to Uneclipsable™. As you embark on this journey alongside Daniel ben Yeshua and countless others worldwide, you aren’t just joining a movement—you’re contributing to crafting a brighter, more inclusive world for all. Please know that Daniel ben Yeshua himself has pledge to donate 10% of all profits from the sale of Uneclipsable™ products to nonprofit causes that will be fully committed to the causes of ending hunger, homelessness, and hatred and replacing such social blights with love, harmony, and peace.